Play Game
Play Game
Will be Updated at LAUNCH
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Crypto products such as meme coins and [non-fungible tokens or NFTs] are unregulated and can be highly risky. There may be no regulatory recourse for any loss from such transactions. This is an unregulated product and does not constitute a “currency,” “securities,” “custodian” or “depositories”. Information on past performance is not an indication or an endorsement of future performance. Investments in unregulated digital assets are risky and should not be done without proper research. DO NOT Invest more than you’re willing to lose. The Rubber Ducky Community holds the explicit right to utilize funds accumulated as directed by members of the community. Rubber Ducky Community maintains the right to perform actions related to the token contract at the discretion of members of the Rubber Ducky Community. Meme coin and NFT Purchasers hold harmless Rubber Ducky Community for any actions taken on behalf of the holder or the Rubber Ducky Community and its members. Must be 18 years or older to participate in this digital asset.